Galeria Valeria
Augusta AD 293 - 311
AE Follis
Heraclea mint: AD 311
Coins Catalog ID: 3004
Sales Description
Obverse: GAL VALERIA AVG - Draped bust right
Reverse: VENERI VICTRICI - Venus standing left, holding apple and scepter.
Mint marks:
exergue - HTA
left field - [star]
RIC, vol. VI, p. 539, 63
Galeria Valeria - Galeria Valeria (AD ? - 315),
Daughter of Diocletian.
Mints: Alexandria, Antioch, Cyzicus, Heraclea, Nicomedia, Serdica, Siscia, Thessalonica.
Biography: Galeria Valeria was the daughter of Diocletian. On 1 March 293, Diocletian adopted Galerius as son and Caesar. To cement the arrangement, Galerius married Diocletian's daughter Valeria in June 293. Valeria was sympathetic towards Christians even though Diocletian and Galerius persecuted them. The marriage to Galerius was not a happy one and they had no children. When Galerius died in 311 A.D., Galeria Valeria and her mother went to live at the court of Maximinus Daia, who had become emperor of the East upon the death of Galerius. Maximinus proposed marriage to Valeria, but she refused him. In revenge, Maximinus exiled her. Valeria and her mother, Priscia, disguised themselves and tried to flee to the safety of Diocletian's villa. However, Diocletian died, leaving the fugitives no where to go. In the Greek city of Salonika, they were recognized, seized and beheaded, their bodies being thrown into the sea.
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