Augusta AD 274 - 275
AE Antoninianus
Ticinum mint: AD 275
Coins Catalog ID: 3007
Sales Description
Obverse: SEVERINA AVG - Diademed bust right, draped and on a crescent
Reverse: PROVIDEN DEOR - Fides and Sol facing each other, Fides holds two standards, while Sol salutes with right hand and holds globe.
Mint marks:
exergue - VXXIT
RIC, vol. V I, p. 316, 9
Cohen 12
Severina - Ulpia Severina:
Wife of Aurelianus.
Mints: Antioch, Cyzicus, Lugdunum, Rome, Serdica, Siscia, Ticinum.
Biography: Ulpia Severina is believed to have been the daughter of Ulpius Crinitus, a general in Valerian's army, and most probably had connections to the family of Trajan. She married Aurelian, was made Augusta in 274, accompanied him on his military excursions, and was well regarded by the soldiers. She appears to have survived her husband, and might have taken the purple during the interregnal period before Tacitus was nominated the next emperor.
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